"stir" - ............................... freeping the longest and more define sting.
"more ore doily cribs." ...... When the stink floated away there was
"yeck, steer" - ................... nothing left but the zimbalta and bacon.
"core of dirty bags." .......... The rice cubes melting as they swirled
"banks. - ........................... around. Off in the garden two slugs shared
"oven terse shirt." ............ a passionate moment. Like their forebarons
"pip pip" ............................ from far away planets they shared a neutron
"zoot!" .............................. fizz and chuckled. For they had been s
"..." - .................................. mashing atoms since the giant dalikrab
".." - .................................... meander over the land with trial between "." - .................................... its eggs.
Inspired by J.D. N.E.L.S/oN and Janet Fields who is related unly by Robyn Field(ing)
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